Monday, August 7, 2023

Ashtavakra Gita-17


Chapter 17, Beyond All, The True Knower, તત્વસ્વરૂપપ્રકરણ

Ashtavakra Gita

aṣṭāvakra uvāca

tena jñānaphalaṁ prāptaṁ yogābhyāsaphalaṁ tathā tṛptaḥ svacchendriyo nityaṁ ekākī ramate tu yaḥ

II 17.1 II Ashtavakta said: He who is content, with purified senses, and always enjoys solitude, has gained the fruit of knowledge and the fruit of the practice of yoga too.

17.1 The man who is happy and pure And likes his own company Gathers the fruit of his practice And the fruit of wisdom.

17.1 One has attained Knowledge

and reaped the fruits of yoga

who is content,

purified of attachments

and at home in solitude.

અષ્ટાવકે કહ્યું : જે પુરૂષ સંતોષી અને શુદ્ધ ઇંદ્રિયવાળો

હોઈ સદાય એકલો આનંદમાં રહે છે, તેણે જ્ઞાનનું ફળ અને

યોગાભ્યાસનું ફળ પ્રાપ્તકર્યું છે.  

na kadācijjagatyasmin tattvajñā hanta khidyati yata ekena tenedaṁ pūrṇaṁ brahmāṇḍamaṇḍalam

 II 17.2 II The knower of truth is never distressed in this world, for the whole round world is full of himself alone.

17.2 The man who knows the truth Is never unhappy in the world. For he alone fills the universe.

17.2 The knower of Truth

is never miserable in the world,

for the whole universe

is filled with Himself alone.

અહો ! જગતમાં તત્વને જાણનારો કદી પણ ખેદ

પામતો નથી , કારણ કે તેના એકલા વડે બ્રહ્માણ્ ડમંડલ

વ્યાપ્તથયું છે. (અર્થાત તેના સિવાય બીજું કાંઈ છે નહિ.)

na jātu viṣayāḥ ke'pi svārāmaṁ harṣayantyamī sallakīpallavaprītamivebhaṁ niṁbapallavāḥ

II 17.3 II None of these senses please a man who has found satisfaction within, just as Nimba leaves do not please the elephant that likes Sallaki leaves.

17.3 Just as the elephant loves The leaves of the sallaki tree, But not the neem tree, So the man who loves himself Always spurns the senses.

17.3 As the foliage of the neem tree

does not please an elephant

who delights in sallaki leaves,

so do sense objects not please

he who delights in Self.

શલ્લકી નામની વનસ્પતિનાં પાન ખાઈ આનંદિત થયેલા

હાથીને જેમ લીમડાનાં (કડવાં) પાન હર્ષ પમાડતાં નથી , તેમ

આત્મારામ પુરુષને કોઈ વિષયો કદી પણ હર્ષ પમાડતા નથી .

yastu bhogeṣu bhukteṣu na bhavatyadhivāsitā abhukteṣu nirākāṁkṣī tadṛśo bhavadurlabhaḥ

II 17.4 II The man who is not attached to the things he has enjoyed, and does not hanker after the things he has not enjoyed, such a man is hard to find.

17.4 It is hard to find  A man who has no desire For what he has not tasted, Or who tastes the world And is untouched.

17.4 Rare in the world

is one who does not

relish past enjoyments,

nor yearn for enjoyments to come.

જે મનુષ્ય ભોગવાયેલા ભોગોમાં આસક્ત થતો નથી અને

ભોગવાયેલા પ્રત્યેઆકાંક્ષારહિત છે, તેવો મનુષ્ય સંસારમાં

દુર્લભ છે.

bubhukṣuriha saṁsāre mumukṣurapi dṛśyate bhogamokṣanirākāṁkṣī viralo hi mahāśayaḥ

II 17.5 II Those who desire pleasure and those who desire liberation are both found in samsara, but the great souled man who desires neither pleasure nor liberation is rare indeed.

17.5 Here in the world Some crave pleasure, Some seek freedom. But it is hard to find, A man who wants neither. He is a great soul.

17.5 Those who desire pleasure

and those who desire liberation

are both common in the world.

Rare is the great soul who

desires neither enjoyment

nor liberation

અહીં સંસારમાં ભોગેચ્છુ તેમ મોક્ષેચ્છુ દેખાય છે;

(પરંતુ ) ભોગ અને મોક્ષ બંને પ્રત્યેનિરાકાંક્ષી મહાત્મા કોઈક

વિરલ હોય છે.

dharmārthakāmamokṣeṣu jīvite maraṇe tathā kasyāpyudāracittasya heyopādeyatā na hi

II 17.6 II It is only the noble minded who is free from attraction or repulsion to religion, wealth, sensuality, and life and death too.

17.6 It is hard to find A man who has an open mind, Who neither seeks nor shuns Wealth or pleasure, Duty or liberation, Life or death.

17.6 Rare is the right-minded person

who neither covets nor shuns

religion, wealth, pleasure,

life or death.

કોઈ ઉદાર બુદ્ધિવાળાને ધર્મ, અર્થ, કર્મ અને મોક્ષ

તેમ જીવન અને મરણને માટે ત્યાજ્ય કે ગ્રાહ્યભાવ હોતો નથી.

vāṁchā na viśvavilaye na dveṣastasya ca sthitau yathā jīvikayā tasmād dhanya āste yathā sukham

II 17.7 II He feels no desire for the elimination of all this, nor anger at its continuing, so the lucky man lives happily with whatever sustinence presents itself.

17.7 He does not want the world to end. He does not mind if it lasts. Whatever befalls him, He lives in happiness. For he is truly blessed.

17.7 The man of Knowledge

neither cares for the universe

nor desires its dissolution.

He lives happily

on whatever comes his way.

He is blessed.

વિશ્વના વિલયની ઈચ્છા નથી અને તે રહે તો દેષ નથી

આથી ધન્ય (કૃતાર્થ પુરુષ) સહજ મળતી આજીવિકા વડે

સુખપૂર્વક રહે છે.                       

 paśyan śṛṇvan spṛśan jighrann aśnannaste yathā sukham

II 17.8 II Thus fulfilled through this knowledge, contented and with the thinking mind emptied, he lives happily just seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting.

17.8 Now that he understands, He is fulfilled. His mind is drawn within, And he is fulfilled. He sees and he hears, He touches and smells and tastes, And he is happy.

17.8 Knowing Self,

mind empty and at peace,

the sage lives happily,

seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating

જ્ઞાન વડે કૃતકૃત્ય બનેલો અને તેથી જેની બુદ્ધિ

લય પામી ગઈ છે તેવો કૃતાર્થ પુરુષ જોતો , સાંભળતો , સ્પર્શતો ,

સૂંધતો અને ખાતો (અર્થાત્ ઈદ્રિયોના વિષયોને ભોગવતો)

સુખપૂર્વક રહે છે.

śūnyā dṛṣṭirvṛthā ceṣṭā vikalānīndriyāṇi ca na spṛhā na viraktirvā kṣīṇasaṁsārasāgare

 II 17.9 II In him for whom the ocean of samsara has dried up, there is neither attachment or aversion. His gaze is vacant, his behaviour purposeless, and his senses inactive.

17.9 Whatever he does is without purpose. His senses have been stilled. His eyes are empty. He is without desire or aversion. For him the waters of the world Have all dried up!

17.9 There is no attachment or non-attachment

for one in whom

the ocean of the world has dried up.

His look is vacant,

senses still.

His actions have no purpose

જ્યારે સંસારરૂપ સાગર ક્ષીણ થાય, ત્યાર દૃષ્ટિ શૂન્ય બને

છે; ક્રિયા નિરર્થક થાય છે, અને ઇન્દ્રિયો ક્ષુબ્ધ બને છે; આસક્તિ

રહેતી નથી તેમ વિરક્તિ પણ થતી નથી.

na jagarti na nidrāti nonmīlati na mīlati aho paradaśā kvāpi vartate muktacetasaḥ

II 17.10 II Surely the supreme state is eveywhere for the liberated mind. He is neither awake nor asleep, and neither opens or closes his eyes.

17.10 He is not asleep. He is not awake. He never closes his eyes Or opens them. Wherever he is, He is beyond everything. He is free.

17.10 The sage is neither asleep nor awake.

He neither closes nor opens his eyes.

Thus, for the liberated soul,

everywhere there is only This.

નથી જાગતો, નથી સૂતો, નથી આંખ ખોલતો કે નથી

બંધ કરતો. અહો, મનથી મુકત બનેલાની કેવી ઉત્કૃષ્ટ દશા થાય છે. ૧૦

sarvatra dṛśyate svasthaḥ sarvatra vimalāśayaḥ samastavāsanā mukto muktaḥ sarvatra rājate

II 17.11 II The liberated man is resplendent everywhere, free from all desires. Everywhere he appears self-possessed and pure of heart.

17.11And the man who is free Always lives in his heart. His heart is always pure. Whatever happens, He is free of all desires.

17.11 The liberated soul

abides in Self alone

and is pure of heart.

He lives always and everywhere,

free of desire.

બધી વાસનાઓમાંથી મુકત બનેલો મુકત પુરુષ સર્વ

ઠેકાણે સ્વસ્થ દેખાય છે, સર્વત્ર નિર્મળ અંતઃકરણવાલો રહે છે

અને સર્વત્ર શોભે છે. ૧૧

paśyan śṛṇvan spṛśan jighrann aśnan gṛṇhan vadan vrajan īhitānīhitairmukto mukta eva mahāśayaḥ

II 17.12 II Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, speaking and walking about, the great souled man who is freed from trying to achieve or avoid anything is free indeed.

17.12 Whatever he sees or hears or touches, Whatever he smells or tastes, Whatever he acquires, He is free. Free from striving, And from stillness. For indeed he is a great soul.

17.12 Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling,

eating, taking, speaking, walking,

the great soul

exerts neither effort nor non-effort.

He is truly free.

ઈચ્છાઓ અને અનિચ્છાઓથી મુકત મહાત્મા જોતો

સાંભળતો , સ્પર્શતો , મૂકતો , ખાતો , ગ્રહણ કરતો , બોલતો , ચાલતે

(છતાં) મુક્ત છે. ૧૨

na nindati na ca stauti na hṛṣyati na kupyati na dadāti na gṛṇhāti muktaḥ sarvatra nīrasaḥ

II 17.13 II The liberated man is free from desires everywhere. He neither blames, praises, rejoices, is disappointed, gives nor takes.

17.13 Without blame or praise, Anger or rejoicing. He gives nothing. He takes nothing. He wants nothing, Nothing at all.

17.13 The liberated soul

does not blame or praise,

give or take,

rejoice or become angry.

He is everywhere unattached

and free.

સર્વ ઠેકાણે રસરહિત મુકત પુરુષ નિદતો નથી , વખાણતો

નથી , ખુશ થતો નથી , નાખુશ થતો નથી , આપતો નથી

તેમ લેતો પણ નથી. ૧૩

sānurāgāṁ striyaṁ dṛṣṭvā mṛtyuṁ vā samupasthitam avihvalamanāḥ svastho mukta eva mahāśayaḥ

 II 17.14 II When a great souled one is unperturbed in mind and self- possessed at either the sight of a woman full of desire or at approaching death, he is truly liberated.

17.14 And whoever draws near him, A woman full of passion Or Death Himself, He is not shaken. He stays in his heart. He is free indeed!

17.14 The great soul

remains poised and undisturbed,

whether in the presence

of a passionate woman

or observing the approach of his death.

He is truly free.

પ્રીતિયુક્ત સ્ત્રીઅથવા પાસે આવેલા મૃત્યુને જોઈને પણ જે

મહાત્મા અવિહ્ વલ ચિત્તવાળો અને સ્વસ્થ રહે છે, તે મુકત છે. 14

sukhe duḥkhe nare nāryāṁ saṁpatsu vipatsu ca viśeṣo naiva dhīrasya sarvatra samadarśinaḥ

II 17.15 II There is no distinction between pleasure and pain, man and woman, success and failure for the wise man who looks on everything as equal.

17.15 It is all the same to him. Man or woman, Good fortune or bad, Happiness or sorrow. It makes no difference. He is serene.

17.15 The sage sees no difference

between happiness and misery,

man and woman,

adversity and success.

Everything is seen to be the same.

બધેય સમદર્શી, ધીર પુરુષને સુખમાં અને દુઃખમાં, સ્ત્રીમાં

અને પુરુષમાં, સંપત્તિમાં અને વિપત્તિમાં કશો ફરક હોતો નથી. 15 

na hiṁsā naiva kāruṇyaṁ nauddhatyaṁ na ca dīnatā

nāścaryaṁ naiva ca kṣobhaḥ kṣīṇasaṁsaraṇe nare

II 17.16 II There is no aggression nor compassion, no pride nor humility, no wonder nor confusion for the man whose days of in samsara are over.

17.16 The world no longer holds him. He has gone beyond The bounds of human nature. Without compassion Or the wish to harm, Without pride or humility. Nothing disturbs him. Nothing surprises him.

17.16 In the sage there is neither

violence nor mercy,

arrogance nor humility,

anxiety nor wonder.

His worldly life is exhausted.

He has transcended his role as a person.

જન સંસાર નાશ પામ્યો છે તેવા મનુષ્યમાં નથી હિંસા, કે

કરુણા, નથી ઉદ્ધતાઈ કે નથી નમ્રતા, નથી ઐશ્વર્ય કે નથી ક્ષોભ.16

na mukto viṣayadveṣṭā na vā viṣayalolupaḥ asaṁsaktamanā nityaṁ prāptāprāptamupāśnute

II 17.17 II The liberated man is not averse to the senses and nor is he attached to them. He enjoys hinself continually with an unattached mind in both achievement and non-achievement.

17.17 Because he is free, He neither craves nor disdains The things of the world. He takes them as they come. His mind is always detached.

17.17 The liberated one

neither avoids experience

nor craves it.

He enjoys what comes

and what does not.

મુકત પુરુષ વિષયોને ધિકકારતો નથી કે વિષયોમાં

આસક્ત પણ થતો નથી . સદા અનાસક્ત ચિત્તવાળો બની તે

પ્રાપ્તઅને અપ્રાપ્ત વસ્તુનો ઉપભોગ કરે છે ૧૭ 

samādhānasamādhānahitāhitavikalpanāḥ śūnyacitto na jānāti kaivalyamiva saṁsthitaḥ

II 17.18 II One established in the Absolute state with an empty mind does not know the alternatives of inner stillness and lack of inner stillness, and of good and evil.

17.18 His mind is empty. He is not concerned with meditation, Or the absence of it, Or the struggle between good and evil. He is beyond all, Alone.

17.18 The sage is not conflicted

by states of stillness and thought.

His mind is empty.

His home is the Absolute.

જેનુ ચિત્ત નાશ પામ્યુ (શૂન્ય) છે (સમાધાન કે અસમાધાન ,

કે અહિત (ઈત્યાદિ)ની કલ્પનાને જાણતો નથી , (પરંતુ ) કૈવલ્ય

(અર્થાત્ મોક્ષ) માં સ્થિર રહે છે. ૧૮

nirmamo nirahaṁkāro na kiṁciditi niścitaḥ antargalitasarvāśaḥ kurvannapi karoti na

II 17.19 II Free of "me" and "mine" and of a sense of responsibility, aware that "Nothing exists", with all desires extinguished within, a man does not act even in acting.

17.19 No "I," No "mine." He knows there is nothing. All his inner desires have melted away. Whatever he does, He does nothing.

17.19 Though he may perform actions,

the man of Knowledge

does not act.

Desires extinguished,

free of thoughts of “I” and “mine,”

he knows with absolute certainty

that nothing exists.

મમતારહિત, અહંતારહિત , કાંઈ નથી એવા નિશ્વય -

વાળો અને અંદરથી જેની બધી આશાઓ લય પામી ગઈ છે

એવો તે કર્મ કરતો છતાં લેપાતો નથી. ૧૯

manaḥprakāśasaṁmohasvapnajāḍyavivarjitaḥ daśāṁ kāmapi saṁprāpto bhaved galitamānasaḥ

II 17.20 II He whose thinking mind is dissolved achieves the indescribable state and is free from the mental display of delusion, dream and ignorance.

17.20 His mind has stopped working! It has simply melted away. . . And with it, Dreams and delusions and dullness. And for what he has become, There is no name.

17.20 The sage is free.

His empty mind no longer projects

delusion, dreaming, dullness.

This state is indescribable.

જેનું મન ક્ષીણ બન્યું છે અને જે મનના પ્રકાશ

અંધકાર , સ્વપ્ન અને જડતા (અર્થાત્ સુષુપ્તિ)થી રહિત છે,

તે કોઈ (અવર્ણનીય) દશાને પ્રાપ્તથાય છે. ૨૦    

Synopsis of Chapter-17

In chapter 17 of the Ashtavakra Gita, the guru teaches Janak the nature and character of the one who is detached from all desires and in a state of indifference. The liberated soul abides in self alone and is pure of heart. He lives free from desires. To the truly liberated, seeing, hearing, speaking, and walking exert neither effort nor non-effort. He is truly free. Ashtavakra describes the many characteristics of an individual who is truly free.\

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