Sunday, August 6, 2023

Ashtavakra Gita-13


Chapter 13, Happiness, Happiness, યથાસુખપ્રકરણ

Ashtavakra Gita

janaka uvāca

akiṁcanabhavaṁ svāsthaṁ kaupīnatve'pi durlabham tyāgādāne vihāyāsmādahamāse yathāsukham

II 13.1 II Janaka: The inner freedom of having nothing is hard to achieve, even with just a loin-cloth, but I live as I please abandoning both renunciation and acquisition.

13.1 Even if you have nothing, It is hard to find that contentment Which comes from renunciation. I accept nothing. I reject nothing. And I am happy.

13.1 The tranquil state

of knowing Self alone is rare—

even among those who own but a loincloth.

I therefore neither renounce nor accept

and am happy.

જનકે કહ્યું : કાંઈ પણ હોવાથી ઉત્પન્ન થતી (માનસિક )

સ્વસ્થતા કૌપીન ધારણ કરવાથી પણ અપ્રાપ્ય છે. આથી

ત્યાગ અને ગ્રહણ (બંનેના વિચાર ) છોડી દઈનેહું

સુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

 kutrāpi khedaḥ kāyasya jihvā kutrāpi khedyate manaḥ kutrāpi tattyaktvā puruṣārthe sthitaḥ sukham

 II 13.2 II Sometimes one experiences distress because of one's body, sometimes because of one's speech, and sometimes because of one's mind. Abandoning all of these, I live as I please in the goal of humanity.

13.2 The body trembles, The tongue falters, The mind is weary. Forsaking them all, I pursue my purpose happily.

13.2 The body is strained by practices.

The tongue tires of scripture.

The mind numbs with meditation.

Detached from all this,

I live as I am.

કશામાં શરીરનું દુઃખ તો કશામાં જીભ દુઃખી થાય ,

તો વળી કશામાં મન ખેદ પામે . (બધું ) છોડીનેહું

(આત્મપ્રાપ્તિ) પુરુષાર્થમાં સુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

kṛtaṁ kimapi naiva syād iti saṁcintya tattvataḥ yadā yatkartumāyāti tat kṛtvāse yathāsukham

II 13.3 II Recognising that in reality no action is ever committed, I live as I please, just doing what presents itself to be done.

13.3 Knowing I do nothing, I do whatever comes my way, And I am happy.

13.3 Realizing that nothing is done,

I do what comes

and am happy.

કોઈ પણ કર્મ કરાતું નથી એમ તત્ત્વદૃષ્ટિથી વિચાર

કરીને જે વખતે જે કર્મ (સહજ ) આવી પડે છે તે કરીને હું

સુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

karmanaiṣkarmyanirbandhabhāvā dehasthayoginaḥ saṁyogāyogavirahādahamāse yathāsukham

II 13.4 II Yogis who identify themselves with their bodies are insistent on fulfilling and avoiding certain actions, but I live as I please abandoning attachment and rejection.

13.4 Bound to his body, The seeker insists on striving Or on sitting still. But I no longer suppose, The body is mine, Or is not mine. And I am happy.

13.4 Yogis who preach

either effort or non-effort

are still attached to the body.

I neither dissociate nor associate

with any of that

and am happy.

કર્મ અને નૈષ્કર્મ્યરૂપ બંધનના ખ્યાલો દેહાભિમાનવાળા

યોગીને (લાગે છે, પરંતુ મને . તો દેહ આદિના ) સંયોગ

અથવા વિયોગની અભાવ હોઈહુંસુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

arthānarthau na me sthityā gatyā na śayanena vā tiṣṭhan gacchan svapan tasmādahamāse yathāsukham

II 13.5 II No benefit or loss comes to me by standing, walking or lying down, so consequently I live as I please whether standing, walking or sleeping.

13.5 Sleeping, sitting, walking, Nothing good or bad befalls me. I sleep, I sit, I walk, And I am happy.

13.5 I have nothing to gain or lose

by standing, walking or sitting down.

So whether I stand, walk or sit

I am happy

બેસવાથી કે ચાલવાથી કે સૂવાથી મને લાભ કે હાનિ થતી નથી.

આથી બેસતાં ચાલતાં અને સૂતાં છતાંહુંસુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

svapato nāsti me hāniḥ siddhiryatnavato na vā nāśollāsau vihāyāsmadahamāse yathāsukham

II 13.6 II I lose nothing by sleeping and gain nothing by effort, so consequently I live as I please, abandoning loss and success.

13.6 Struggling or at rest, Nothing is won or lost. I have forsaken the joy of winning And the sorrow of losing. And I am happy.

13.6 I do not lose by sleeping

nor attain by effort.

Not thinking in terms of loss or gain

I am happy.

સૂઈ રહું તો મને કાંઈ હાનિ નથી . અને યત્ન કરુ ; તો

મને કાંઇ સિદ્ધિ પણ પ્રાપ્તથતી નથી . આથી લાભ અને હાનિ

બને ત્યજીદઈનેહુંસુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

sukhādirūpā niyamaṁ bhāveṣvālokya bhūriśaḥ śubhāśubhe vihāyāsmādahamāse yathāsukham

II 13.7 II Frequently observing the drawbacks of such things as pleasant objects, I live as I please, abandoning the pleasant and unpleasant.

13.7 For pleasures come and go. How often I have watched their inconstancy! But I have forsaken good and bad, And now I am happy.

13.7 Pleasure and pain fluctuate

and are inconsistent.

Without good or bad

I live happily.

વસ્તુઓમાં સુખ (દુઃખ) આદિરૂપ . જે અનિશ્ચિતપણું

તે વારંવાર જોઈને (અને) તેથી શુભ અને અશુભનો પરિ -

ત્યાગ કરીનેહુંસુખપૂર્વક સ્થિત છું.

Synopsis of Chapter-13

Janak continues to describe his state to the Guru who taught him many things. Ashtavakra his guru had asked Janak to be happy at the beginning of the conversation about Ashtavakra Gita. Janak replies to his Guru that he feels happy and feels bliss. Now achieving the state of unattachment he has nothing to gain or lose by standing, walking, or sitting down. So, regardless of whether he stands, sits, or walks, it does not matter as long as he is enjoying himself. Janak further describes his guru as a source of happiness and a state of bliss in the 13th chapter of the Ashtavakra Gita.\

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