Monday, August 23, 2021

Celebrating Shravan with Shiva -18

 Shiva Day Eighteen

The Concept of God in Hinduism by Swami Krishnanada

1.  The Aitareya Upanishad states that the Supreme Atman has manifested itself as the objective Universe from the one side and the subjective individuals on the other side, in which process, factors which are effects of God's creation become causes of individual's perception, by a reversal of the process.

‘The Principal Upanishads’ by Subhamoy Das

The Aitareya Upanishad belongs to the Rig Veda. It is the purpose of this Upanishad to lead the mind of the sacrificer away from the outer ceremonial to its inner meaning. It deals with the genesis of the universe and the creation of life, the senses, the organs, and the organisms. It also tries to delve into the identity of the intelligence that allows us to see, speak, smell, hear, and know.

From an academic perspective, the Aitareya Upanishad is useful to understand the development of the early Vedic ideas of rebirth, reincarnation, Brahman, and liberation. The source of the Upanishad is an Aranyaka from the Rigveda. Hence, it was primarily meant to serve the forest dwellers (vanaprasthas) as a guide for contemplation. It presents Brahman as supreme intelligence and thereby emphasizes the importance of cultivating intelligence and mental purity as part of one’s spiritual practice.


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