Saturday, August 14, 2021

Celebrating Shravan with Shiva -9

Shiva Day Nine

The Concept of God in Hinduism by Swami Krishnanada

The Hiranyagarbha-Sukta of the Rig-Veda declares that God manifested Himself in the beginning as the Creator of the Universe, encompassing all things, including everything within Him, the collective totality, as it were, of the whole of creation, animating it as the Supreme Intelligence.

You have a choice to make when you meditate on the theory of creation. The first concept of life on earth was associated with Birth and death, Hindus elected to worship creation with a creator. This creator was again given the supreme states as God.

With the 15 000 thousand histories of Hinduism, it is my conclusion that creation was first worshiped by observing the surrounding nature where all organic life had a common relation to birth. For any birth, a male and a female sperms were a prerequisite for life to be created and thus physical representation was described by a Yoni and a Lingam. On mating, the sperms are fertilized and life is on the run in a protective surrounding described as a womb. Hindus reasoned the physical aspect of creation and worshiped creation idealizing a Yoni and a Lingam as divine and that also iconized creation. It was accepted that supreme power was in charge of all these creations and the cosmos was created in a similar manner.


·       Hiranyagarbha is a Sanskrit word, which means the golden womb is the source of the creation of the whole Universe or cosmos in Hindu philosophy. Rig Veda defined it well. There are several shlokas describing the creation and became customary for Hindus to worship creation

·       According to Science, the entire universe was just one singularity existing in a very hot dense state which gradually cooled down as the universe expanded itself. Similar to this, the Hiranyagarbha Sukta and the Vishnu Puran say that the universe existed in form of singularity/one golden embryo called the Hiranyagarbha, and the entire universe in raw state existed inside it. Slowly, it started expanding and developed itself into this observable universe.


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