Monday, October 4, 2021

Celebrating Shravan with Shiva -28


Shiva Day Twenty-eight

Brahaman as Shiva

Shiva, whose name means “auspicious one and untouched” (When we say Shiva is untouched means, he is free from this cycle of Life and Death), he performs 5 actions, Creation, Preservation, Dissolution, Concealing Grace, and Revealing Grace. Each of the five actions corresponds to a name and form of Shiva with varying attributes. Like energy (Shakti), Shiva takes many and often inconsistent forms. Although some of the combinations of roles may be explained by Shiva’s identification with earlier mythological figures, they arise primarily from a tendency in Hinduism to see many harmonizing qualities in a single confusing figure.

I conclude from the evolution theory that there was a time when the human mind was systematically stimulated with activated intelligence and that created the first humanoid or a Yogi with three eyes. This was a manifestation of Sadashiva or supreme energy and knowledge. Sadasiva is the omnipotent, subtle, luminous absolute; the highest manifestation of almighty that had the blessing with Anugraha or grace and that was Shiva, born in his human form that initiated time from ground zero. I call it the beginning of time.

Shiva is associated with time and the only knowledge the earlier humans had was of creation. With critical analyses, the first theory of creation was from the observations in nature. All creation in nature was associated with the male and the female sperms.

(In the human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes (pronounced: GAH-meetz), are involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system. When sperm fertilizes (meets) an egg, this fertilized egg is called a zygote (pronounced: ZYE-goat). The zygote goes through a process of becoming an embryo and developing into a fetus.

Humans, like other organisms, pass some characteristics of themselves to the next generation. We do this through our genes, the special carriers of human traits. The genes that parents pass along are what make their children similar to others in their family, but also what makes each child unique. These genes come from the male's sperm and the female's egg. )

Having no knowledge of this science it was then concluded that the male and the female reproductive organs were responsible for the life that is produced. Linga and Yoni were given the divine position in worshipping creation and it was represented in the very first temple of Shiva and was called Shiva Linga. (Note; the popular belief is that the Shiva Linga or Lingam represents the phallus, the generative power in nature. But according to Swami Sivananda, this is not only a serious mistake but also a grave blunder.)  Whether the Shivalinga is a phallic emblem or not, is a debatable point. Phallic cults have existed in all countries and in all civilizations. It is quite likely that the phallic cults of an aboriginal civilization were absorbed into Hinduism and the worship itself was elevated to honor the Father Mother-Principle of creation.

Shiva was first worshipped in the form of the lingam, a cylindrical votary object that is often embedded in a yoni, or spouted dish. It had to be kept wet at all times for continuous creation in the ever-expanding universe. This was a perfect duplication of nature that existed. According to Hinduism, it is the same God that creates, sustains, and destroys the universe; the Shivalinga represents symbolically God himself. Since God is beyond name and form, and since we cannot conceive of an abstract principle like him, without the aid of concrete symbols, a rounded surface is perhaps the nearest approach to him.

In the evolution of human history, a tradition was set to worship Shiva in temples with the male and female energies. Shivalinga represented the energies necessary for life on both the microcosmic and the macrocosmic levels; both the world in which we live and the world which constitutes the whole of the universe

Nevertheless, Shiva was always associated with creation. In Hinduism, the universe is thought to regenerate in cycles (every 2,160,000,000 years). Shiva destroys the universe at the end of each cycle which then allows for a new creation. As he is linked with time he is a destroyer of all things, as well as associated with creation. Destruction and creation are intimately linked; one cannot exist without the other, making Shiva particularly important.

Literally, Shiva is one in whom the Universe 'sleeps' after the destruction and before the next cycle of creation. All that is born must die and all that is produced must disintegrate and be destroyed. This is an inviolable law. The principle that brings about this disintegration, the power behind this destruction, is Shiva.

Hence my conclusion that Siva was the first concept of God or the highest form of Ishvar is formless, limitless, transcendent, and unchanging absolute Brahman and the primal Atman (soul, self) of the universe. With more knowledge on creation, Shiva was regarded as the supporter god of yoga, meditation, music, language, art sound, Vedas, Tantra, and so on. He is the ultimate and source of everything. When Vedas were compiled by Veda Vyas, Shiva was called Rudra (Rudra is the personification of 'terror' and regarded as the most frightening god)  and given the sacred position as a destroyer for without him, there would be chaos in the life cycle of all creations. Hindus believe his powers of destruction and recreation are used even now to destroy the illusions and imperfections of this world, paving the way for beneficial change. According to Hindu belief, this destruction is not arbitrary, but constructive. In modern science, Shiva is the Blackhole. (Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects in outer space. They're extremely dense; with such strong gravitational attraction that even light cannot escape their grasp if it comes near enough.)

Nataraja is Siva as "King of Dance." His ananda tandava, the fierce ballet of bliss, dances the cosmos into and out of existence within the fiery arch of flames denoting consciousness and Aum. Shiva's dance indicates a continuous process of creation, preservation, and destruction.  A perfect description of quantum physics of the modern world.

 I deduce that Shiva as Adiyogi dominated Satya Yuga. The Satya Yuga is the Yuga (Age or Era) of Truth. Shiva is actually above the Yugas. Yugas are the timescale of our world and Shiva is beyond that.

Shiva as primordial energy represented the supreme, both in Ramayana and MahabharataShiva is the primary deity being worshipped. Everyone including Rama and Krishna prays to Shiva to seek boons and blessings for their endeavors. In Ramayana - Ravana who considered himself superior only bowed to Brahma and Shiva but was a staunch devotee of Shiva.

Shiva also means untouched, which conveys the meaning that he is free from this cycle of life and death, so Shiva dint take any avatar and he is "swayambhu" which means no one created him, he created himself. (In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another). Science would describe Shiva is energy

It is a misconception that Shiva the infinite takes avatar. Infinite cannot be born out of finite.

Below mentioned are Shiva’s different forms and not Avatars

1.  When Shiva is in deep meditation, we refer to him as YOGI.

2.  We see him as SHANKARA, with his consort Parvathi and their children.

3.  We see him as RUDRA, when he is in his ferocious form.

4.  We see him as KAPAALI, when he is in Rudra Kshetra(burial ground).

5.  We see him as KAALA BHAIRAVA, with Dog as his Vaahana (vehicle), (he is the God for the time that is why we chant him as Om kaala Kalaaya namaha, kaal means time).

6.  He is VEERABHADRA, the warrior.

7.  He is BHOOTANAADHA, God for the five elements of this nature.

It is humanly impossible to explain Shiva, just as it is impossible to explain the universe. From simple human intellect, he is the one from whom the Brahman emerges, in whom it stays, and within whom it goes back.

Here Brahman is not merely the Universe but is the one who is the base and cause of the universe. Brahman holds the universe. Shiva is the reason for all causes. He must not be seen as a Human-God. That’s a wrong notion. Scriptures call him the Nirgun Brahman and the Sagun Brahman


Shiva exists in 3 states

1.  Nirgun: In this state he is formless, and the whole universe and creation lie in the pervasiveness of Shiva.

2.  Saguna: In the Saguna state Shiva is the entire universe and his “ansh” is present in the tree, the insect, the animal, the male, the female, and the whole creation. In this state, though all forms arise out of him yet, no form can describe him.

3.  Nirgun-Sagun: In the Nirgun-Sagun state Shiva is worshiped as the Shivalingam. The word Shivalingam has been derived from Sanskrit roots Shiva (Lord) + Lingam (Mark/Chinha/Symbol). Hence, Shivalingam is the mark of the lord within its creation. Everything in the world arises out of a dome, a ball, or a Pindi. Be it a tree which comes from a seed which is round, a child which comes from a cell which is round, all heavenly bodies are round, the minutes of cells are round and our very earth is round. Everything being round is a mark of Shiva. Since Shiva can’t be comprehended, we worship his mark or we worship the whole Brahman in a Shivalingam.


Shiva also is the creator of a harmonious vibration of the universes that maintain a steady-state of the Universe at all times and when translated this vibration into an audible sound it’s called none other than OM. Shiva-sound of OM


Hence Shiva is Brahman

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