Thursday, July 27, 2023

Ashtavakra Gita-5


Chapter 5, Dissolving, Four Ways to Dissolution, લયોપદેશપ્રકરણ

Ashtavakra Gita

na te saṁgo'sti kenāpi kiṁ śuddhastyaktumicchasi saṁghātavilayaṁ kurvannevameva layaṁ vraja

II 5.1II Ashtavakra: You are not bound by anything. What does a pure person like you need to renounce? Putting the complex organism to rest, you can go to your rest.

5.1 You are pure. Nothing touches you. What is there to renounce? Let it all go, The body and the mind. Let yourself dissolve.

5.1 You are immaculate,

touched by nothing.

What is there to renounce?

The mind is complex—let it go.

Know the peace of dissolution.

અષ્ટાવક કહે છે: તારો કશાની સાથે પણ સંગ છે

નહિ . (આથી) તું શુદ્ધ હોઈ શાનો ત્યાગ કરવાની ઈચ્છા રાખે

છે? પ્રમાણે (દેહ -) સંધાતનો (અર્થાત્ દેહાભિમાનનો)

વિલય કરી સ્વરૂપમાં લીન થઈ જા.

udeti bhavato viśvaṁ vāridheriva budbudaḥ iti jñātvaikamātmānaṁ evameva layaṁ vraja

 II 5.2II All this arises out of you, like a bubble out of the sea. Knowing yourself like this to be but one, you can go to your rest.

5.2 Like bubbles in the sea,  All the worlds arise in you. Know you are the Self. Know you are one. Let yourself dissolve.

5.2 The universe arises from you

like foam from the sea.

Know yourself as One.

Enter the peace of dissolution.

સમુદ્રમાં જેમ પરપોટો ઉદય પામે છે તેમ તારામાંથી

વિશ્વ ઉદય પામે છે. પ્રમાણે આત્માને એકમાત્ર જાણીને

સ્વરૂપમાં લીન થઈ જા.  

pratyakṣamapyavastutvād viśvaṁ nāstyamale tvayi rajjusarpa iva vyaktaṁ evameva layaṁ vraja

II 5.3II In spite of being in front of your eyes, all this, being insubstantial, does not exist in you, spotless as you are. It is an appearance like the snake in a rope, so you can go to your rest.

5.3 You see the world. But like the snake in the rope, It is not really there. You are pure. Let yourself dissolve.

5.3 Like an imagined snake in a rope

the universe appears to exist

in the immaculate Self

but does not.

Seeing this you know: “There is nothing to dissolve.”

વ્યકત બનેલું વડ પ્રત્યક્ષહોવા છતાં પણ અવાસ્તવિક

અર્થાત્ (મિથ્યા) હોઈ નિર્મલ એવા તારામાં દોરડાંમાં દેખાતા

સર્પની જેમ છે નહિ . આથી તું સ્વરૂપમાં લીન થઈ જા.

samaduḥkhasukhaḥ pūrṇa āśānairāśyayoḥ samaḥ samajīvitamṛtyuḥ sannevameva layaṁ vraja

II 5.4II Equal in pain and in pleasure, equal in hope and in disappointment, equal in life and in death, and complete as you are, you can go to your rest.

5.4 You are one and the same, In joy and sorrow, Hope and despair, Life and death. You are already fulfilled. Let yourself dissolve.

5.4 You are perfect, changeless,

through misery and happiness,

hope and despair,

life and death.

This is the state of dissolution.

સુખ.- દુ:ખને સરખાં ગણી, પૂર્ણતા પ્રાપ્તકરી, આશા -

નિરાશાને સમાન લેખી , તેમ જીવન અને મરણને પણ

સરખાં ગણી, તું સ્વરૂપમાં લીન થઈ જા.

Synopsis of Chapter-5  

Now that Ashtavakra has accepted Janak's answer, he does not question his answer. Now, Ashtavakra in the fifth chapter of the Ashtavakra Gita introduces dissolution. By knowing yourself as the one you are, you will enter a state of dissolution. Regardless of your pain, despair, misery, or happiness, you are complete and changeless. This is the state of dissolution, and it is peace.\

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