Saturday, June 10, 2023

My final observation on Moksha science


Hinduism has a divine trinity composed of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. The Universe's cycles of creation and destruction are managed by deities.

What I can relate to and uncover in my daily existence is reality. Because Brahma cannot be worshipped and Shiva is absolute, I would rather focus on all existence, including science and the cosmos. So, what is singularity? Ray Kurzweil, a futurist, popularized the word in recent years. The term "singularity" derives from astrophysics, where it refers to a place in space-time where standard physics principles do not apply.

Five domains govern the cosmos. While consciousness provides order, space is made up of matter and energy that unfold in a time-variant structure.
 This represents the mortal or physical plane, which is made up of intelligence, energy, and matter;
 the immortal or astral plane, which is devoid of matter;
 and the divine or heavenly level, which is devoid of both.

Under intelligence's direction, time, space, and awareness are organized so that they provide independent responses to energy and matter.


⓿Is a person's intellect a singularity? Yes, introspective common sense experience confirms single awareness. There is only one "me," and that is the aware one. This implies that "singularity" characterizes "consciousness."

⓿A black hole's singularity, when the matter is squeezed to an infinitely small point and all notions of time and space are utterly destroyed, is the metaphorical "no man's land."

⓿Is energy a particle? No. Energy is a measurable quantity. We can argue that everything around us occurs in space-time and energy, but we don't know why. Energy is a human concept used to describe nature. Everything you see, including matter, light, sound, and heat, is a manifestation of energy. Or everything we see around us is simply a flow of information, and energy is just one type of information. As a result, energy does not have a singularity.  


Despite a lack of understanding concerning DNA, ancient Indian scriptures suggest a single theory to define all living matter. Such scriptures describe life in terms of what was then considered to be the five known elements: Water (Jal), Energy or fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Matter (Prithvi), and Ether (Akash).

JAL refers to the liquid state of matter. Agni refers to heat and the transitional state of matter. Vayu refers to the gaseous condition of matter. Prithvi means earth, referring to matter formed of inorganic and organic elements. Akash means ether - referring to the fine matter.

According to ancient Hindu scriptures, all creation is divided into five categories depending upon the number and predominance of these particular elements (tattvws). Plant life, firstly, is predominantly water. In insect life, the elements of fire and air are more active than the other three tattwas. Winged life - birds, for instance - combines water, fire, and air, whilst the fourth kind of life - animal life – involves four of the five elements. But, as animals do not the fifth element is not activated. This raises an interesting aspect about the tattwas; all five tattwas are in everything in the world, but in man, all five elements are active. The greater the number of active tattwas, the higher the life form is on an evolutionary scale.

Our discussion focuses on human existence, and the intelligence activated by matter has a storage entity that can remember and communicate with another entity. The soul-triggered brain keeps its memory bank in the physical body, but the soul is housed in an immortal body of energy. Light is still in a state of transition with the soul before becoming one with the astral body.

Yoga practitioners strive for this to merge with consciousness, the creator, or the so-called deity. If a soul does not uphold the prerequisite values to become one with consciousness, it is thrown back to take on another life form.

My final observation on Moksha science  

I concluded that a yogi matures spiritually through meditation and penance. In this encounter, he witnesses an illusionary world in which matter and energy are missing and the observer reacts to imaginary light. As light has no matter, it coexists with an energy-vibrating field. Although it was once an illusion, Atman is still in transition.

Mukti, or release, is indefinable at this juncture as Atman is enlightened.  Light, which is radiation energy, interacts with the Atman in a quantum state in the presence of consciousness. This is a driving force to become one. Time as an observer in the time-dependent energy-vibrating field negates all activity. Light is eliminated throughout this process, and a singularity is observed.

As a catalyst, this singularity is consciousness. This discipline is practiced to achieve moksha, also known as divinity or consciousness, the supreme, the creator, or the state of oneness that one TRUTH.

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