Sunday, September 2, 2018

16 Kalas of Krishna


 1) Anna Maya (with cereals)
 2) Pranamaya (with breath)
 3) Mano Maya (with mind)
 4) Vigyanamaya (with knowledge)
 5) Anandamaya (with joy)
 6) Atishayini, (With Peace)
 7) Viparinabhimi (With Love)
 8) Sankramini. (With Creator)
 9) Prabhvi. (Able to do seemingly impossible task)
10) Kunthini,
11) Vikasini, (Great)
12) Maryadini, (Highly respected or with etiquette)
13) Sanhaladini, (Cheering, a source of happiness)
14) Ahladini, (Causing joy or delight)
15) Paripurna (Complete knowledge of all forms of awakening)
16) Swarupavasthit: (swarup + awasthith = established in his real self)

  • ·       The first five Kalas are present in every human being.
  • ·       With little effort, humans can perfect in three more kalas – 6 ,7 and 8
  • ·       Anybody who has the ninth Kala (Prabhvi) besides the first five natural Kalas and next three perfected Kalas, becomes the god.  As per scriptures, the ninth kalas Prabhvi means: KARTUM AKARTUM, which is able to do seemingly impossible tasks. Lord Narasinh is an example of this ninth Kala. Lord Narasinh has an altogether different appearance. He had a body of human and head of a lion. He appeared from a stone pillar that demon Hiranyakashipu had broken with a blow of his mace. It is not possible for an ordinary human being, only a God, having the ninth Kala Prabhvi, can do this.
  • ·       Among all these incarnations, only Bhagawan Krishna is full of all the sixteen Kalas.

 In this millennium Arts will become the most important career Encourage these skills which were highly recognised in the Vedic era. To learn, age has no restriction.

14 Vidyas (Techniques)


                4 Vedas
1.  RigVeda
2.  SamVeda
3.  YajurVeda
4.  AtharvaVeda

        4 UpaVedas (abodes of knowledge)
1.  ArthaShastra: Ancient treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy.
2.  Dhanurveda: Science of archery
3.  GandharvaVeda: Treatise on performing arts, encompassing theatre, dance and music.
4.  Ayurveda: The word Ayurveda consists of the words ayus, meaning “longevity”, and Veda, meaning “related to knowledge” or “science”. Thus Ayurveda is the science of life.

·         6 Vedangas
1.  Shiksha: science of phonetics and phonology of Sanskrit, its aim is the teaching of correct pronunciation of the Vedic hymns and mantras.
2.  Kalpa: art of rituals
3.  Vyakaran: Sanskrit grammatical tradition of vyakarana.
4.  Nirukta: art of etymology, particularly of obscure words. It consists of brief rules (sutras) for deriving word meanings, supplemented with glossaries of difficult or rare Vedic words.
5.  Chhanda: study of Vedic meter in Classical Sanskrit poetry.
6.  Jyotish: system of astrology, traditionally consisting of three branches:
             1. Siddhanta: traditional Indian astronomy
             2a. Samhita
             2b. Medini Jyotisha: prediction of important events based on analysis of astrological dynamics in a country’s horoscope of general transit events such as war, earthquakes, political events, financial positions, elections etc. Vastu Shastra related matters, animals, portents, omens etc.
              3. Hora: predictive astrology based on analysis of natal horoscope and the moment a query is made.

64 Arts recommended in the Vedic system of receiving knowledge

What are the arts recommended in the Vedic system of receiving knowledge?

Here is a brief introduction to the 64 arts (kalas).

1. Geet vidya: art of singing.
2. Vadya vidya: art of playing on musical instruments.
3. Nritya vidya: art of dancing.
4. Natya vidya: the art of theatricals.
5. Alekhya vidya: art of painting.
6. Viseshakacchedya vidya: art of painting the face and body with colour
7. Tandula­kusuma­bali­vikara: art of preparing offerings from rice and flowers.
8. Pushpastarana: art of making a covering of flowers for a bed.

9. Dasana­vasananga­raga: the art of applying preparations for cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the body.
10. Mani­bhumika­karma: art of making the groundwork of jewels.
11. Aayya­racana: art of covering the bed.
12. Udaka­vadya: art of playing on music in water.
13. Udaka­ghata: art of splashing with water.
14. Citra­yoga: the art of practically applying an admixture of colours.
15. Malya­grathana­vikalpa: art of designing a preparation of wreaths.
16. Sekharapida­yojana: art of practically setting the coronet on the head.
17. Nepathya­yoga: the art of practically dressing in the tiring room.
18. Karnapatra­bhanga: art of decorating the tragus of the ear.
19. Sugandha­yukti: the art of practical application of aromatics.
20. Bhushana­yojana: the art of applying or setting ornaments.
21. Aindra­jala: art of juggling.

22. Kaucumara: a kind of art.
23. Hasta­laghava: art of sleight of hand.
24. Citra­sakapupa­bhakshya­vikara­kriya: the art of preparing varieties of delicious food.
25. Panaka­rasa­ragasava­yojana: the art of practically preparing palatable drinks and tinging draughts with red colour.
26. Suci­vaya­karma: the art of needlework and weaving.
27. Sutra­krida: art of playing with thread.
28. Vina­damuraka­vadya: art of playing on lute and small drum.
29. Prahelika: art of making and solving riddles.
30. Durvacaka­yoga: art of practicing language difficult to be answered by others.
31. Pustaka­vacana: art of reciting books.
32. Natikakhyayika­darsana: the art of enacting short plays and anecdotes.
33. Kavya­samasya­purana: the art of solving enigmatic verses.

34. Pattika­vetra­bana­vikalpa: the art of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows.
35. Tarku­karma: the art of spinning by the spindle.
36. Takshana: art of carpentry.
37. Vastu­vidya: the art of engineering.
38. Raupya­ratna­pariksha: art of testing silver and jewels.
39. Dhatu­vada: art of metallurgy.
40. Mani­raga jnana: the art of tinging jewels.
41. Akara jnana: the art of mineralogy.
42. Vrikshayur­veda­yoga: art of practicing medicine or medical treatment, by herbs.
43. Mesha­kukkuta­lavaka­yuddha­vidhi: the art of knowing the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and birds.
44. Suka­sarika­pralapana: the art of maintaining or knowing conversation between male and female cockatoos.
45. Utsadana: the art of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes.
46. Kesa­marjana­kausala: art of combing hair.

47. Akshara­mushtika­kathana: the art of talking with fingers.
48. Dharana­matrika: art of the use of amulets.
49. Desa­bhasha­jnana: art of knowing provincial dialects.
50. Nirmiti­jnana: art of knowing prediction by heavenly voice.
51. Yantra­matrika: art of mechanics.
52. Mlecchita­kutarka­vikalpa: art of fabricating barbarous or foreign sophistry.
53. Samvacya: art of conversation.
54. Manasi kavya­kriya: art of composing verse
55. Kriya­vikalpa: art of designing a literary work or a medical remedy.
56. Chalitaka­yoga: art of practicing as a builder of shrines called after him.
57. Abhidhana­kosha­cchando­jnana: art of the use of lexicography and meters.
58. Vastra­gopana: art of concealment of cloths.

59. Dyuta­visesha: art of knowing specific gambling.
60. Akarsha­krida: art of playing with dice or magnet.
61. Balaka­kridanaka: art of using children’s toys.
62. Vainayiki vidya: art of enforcing discipline.
63. Vaijayiki vidya: the art of gaining victory.
64. Vaitaliki vidya: art of awakening master with music at dawn.



It is believed that Lord Krishna possesses these arts. After slaying of Kamsa and the thread ceremony, Krishna and Balrama went to the ashram of Guru Sandipani in the city of Avanti (Ujjain).There within a span of 64 days, Krishna learnt fourteen types of sciences (vidyas) and sixty-four arts (kalas).
Lord Krishna holds superficially an ordinary flute in most Hindu scriptural appearance.

Now it is up to the devotees to interpret the meaning of flute with their own view. Even the flute of Lord Krishna is full of all the Kalas and is a symbol of love. In his entire life, lord Krishna only once raised a weapon, that to in the form of wheel during the battle of Mahabharata, to protect the vow of Pitamaha Bheeshma. Otherwise, only the flute was everything for him. Like a magic stick the flute accompanied Lord Krishna all through

Krishna is Bhagawan

Bhagawan is described as one having bhaga or majesty. The bhaga or majesty is described as six-fold –
  1.    omnipotence,
  2. ·       virtue,
  3. ·       glory,
  4. ·       beauty,
  5. ·       omniscience and
  6. ·       non-affectedness

      The full manifestation of all these six excellences is called bhaga. He who is distinguished by these excellences is the Bhagawan. For the Vaishnava Puranas – and the Bhagavata is one such – Mahavishnu, including all his emanations and incarnations, is the Bhagawan.. 

Arts Of Ancient India

Me and My Dharma

Dharma is one’s personal path in life with truth or righteousness, the fulfillment of which leads to the awakening of consciousness.

64 Kala (Art forms) 14 Vidya (Techniques)
Creation is an art gifted to all who are devotees of Bhrahma and this is an art that stimulate the intellect of the most advanced life species on earth; the modern human of this Yuga or millennium.
Skills or Kala means performing art in Sanskrit. It is often mentioned in the classical texts about the Chausath Kalas i.e 64 Kalas (chausath – 64, kalas – arts) which existed in ancient India in Vedic times. The word Kala has been used in wide sense. Dance, drama, literature, fine arts etc. are included in this list of 64 Kalas or 64 Arts. Many arts of ancient India were learnt by woman to make them smart, intelligent, refined and versatile.
The mastery over the many of the 64 traditional arts formed an important basis in the development of an educated individual in many parts of ancient India.
After many invasions of India the education system was also accordingly changed to suit the needs of the invaders. Many ancient literature's were destroyed and the academic system of education was introduced to produce bureaucrats.

To stimulate the intellect, every Hindu child is exposed or should be exposed to arts and techniques which will develop the intellect and finally the aim is to activate consciousness to enjoy a blissful life in recognition of the creator.

There are many rituals and customs that are responsible to activate these arts and even today many follow the Hindu traditions and rituals. Ceremonies and celebrations are in a man’s blood. A celebration, sacrifice, worship or a ritual when turned inward means cosmic identification and awareness. 

Every parent is responsible to expose their children to these arts and in that way, the education given to the children will satisfy the age old Hindu traditions.